he CCSA was created specifically to oversee the national and international competitions (world championships) of the International 10 square metre Canoe class. We are a sub-organization of the Canadian Canoe Association (CCA) which is Canada's representative body of the International Canoe Federation (ICF). The class as a whole is governed by the ICF.


ob Lewis (our "Grand Imperial Wizard") is the man who makes all the contacts with the CCA board - whatever little there is. I mentioned to Bob about a site for the CCSA and he said go ahead - that's about as sanctioned as "IC Life in Canada" gets. The title "IC Life in Canada" shows the site's bias (and the bias of the CCSA) toward International Canoes while playing-on-words of some glimmer of hope for life in the IC scene here in Canada.

Extreme Canoe-Sport

Since 1867!


urrently we don't have any involvement with open canoe sailing. The northern division of the ACA however does cover Canada and the ACA has a healthy open canoe sailing class. Rob Hupfield is keen on getting something going in the open canoe realm and desires to oversee open canoe classification/governing within the CCSA. He has started correspondance with Bob Lewis..

US IC Site: www.conversedesign.com/IC/canoe.html

Of particular interest on the US site, webmaster Chris Converse has accumulated videos and images/pdf files of past newsletters. If you've never seen an IC in action the videos are a must-see. Also you'll find dates for the North American racing season and used IC "for sale" listings. Chris also hosts the IC mailing list

UK IC Site: www.intcanoe.org

Nice makeover for summer 2001. Plenty here about the administration of ICs in the UK. Some addresses for UK part suppliers/builders, a bulletin board to post messages, assymetric trials updates and used IC "for sale" listings.

Sweden IC Site: www.mech.kth.se/~jens/ic/

The first IC presence on the Web - hasn't changed much in several years but check out the photos. Swedish IC newsletter posted there if you can read Swedish.

Australian IC Site: users.hunterlink.net.au/~dfed/index.html

The latest IC site to spring on the web - launched Fall 2001. Brief history of the class plus a history of the Worlds.

Ontario Canoe Sailing Association: www.tap.net/~daver/ocsa.phtml

My home province - OCSA not to be confused with OCSG of British origin (see below). An upstart organization to gather the canoe sailers across Ontario and promote the sport whether sailing open single paddle canoes, decked double-paddle canoes or International/National 10 Sq. M. canoes. Annual gathering at Killbear Provincial Park - great place to sail.

American Canoe Association - National Sailing Committee: www.enter.net/~skimmer/index.html

Information on canoe sailing within the American Canoe Association. Helpful addresses and good links to museums.

Open Canoe Sailing Group - Britain: www.ocsg.org.uk

In their own words - basically a national club of like minded open canoe sailing enthusiasts to foster cruising and racing in the UK. Formed 1990. Links from here to other OCSG sites.

Tyrone Boats Inc. - JC Trainer and Open Sailing Canoes: www.tyrone.u-net.com/index.htm

UK boatbuilder - has stitch-n-glue boats and kits for assorted sailing canoes including JC Trainer - a trial design geared to get younger people into sailing International Canoes.

CANUTE - a modern day lapstrake Rushton "Princess": www2.hawaii.edu/~stroble/CANUTE.HTM

Nice little story describing the building of a modified Rushton "Princess". Great photos detailing the work.