Decked Sailing Canoe Historical Archive Database
This database contains historical information on decked sailing canoes, the practical and the social, from the 1860's through to the present day International and National Canoes. The majority of information currently entered into the database is from turn of the century Forest and Stream articles. I have still to add massive amounts of information from numerous other sources which includes The London Field, The American Canoeist, The Rudder, and many books.
To use the database, you may search keywords or the actual text. Keywords are included because often the text contains the search pattern but is not directly relevant to the pattern. Using keyword searches finds fewer but more significant articles. Also, sometimes the text may not mention the keyword phrase you are searching - for example, searching for 'Vaux' (C. Bowyer Vaux) in the text field will not find those articles where C. B. Vaux used his early pen name 'Dot'. A keyword search will. An opposite example - searching text for "Dot" will find all race results for 'Dot' among other items, whereas searching keywords for 'Dot' will find Dot's best or most important race results. You may further limit your search by date. Not entering a date will find all records matching the search term. Using just ' * ' in either the keyword or text field will return everything between any dates you set.
Searches are case insensitive. Searching for 'Dot' or 'dot' will yield the same results.