
· Credits ·

Some photos and other resources used in this site but not credited elsewhere are courtesy of the organizations and individuals listed below. We express our thanks to all of them. We respect and appreciate the results of their work as creative achievements.   ·   If your work is not credited or is credited incorrectly, please let us know, and we will have it corrected.   ·   If you find your work here or elswhere in this site, and feel that you would like not to have it displayed, please advise us to remove it.   ·   All works of art remain copyright of their respective owners. They are used at this site for non-commercial educational purposes only.

Entrance to Otari Wilton's Bush (New Zealand)
Original photo by: Ian Galloway

«I am a beekeeper!»
"Visits to the beeyard - impressions for the whole life. Adrenalin pounds the brain. It's amazing how smart these 'flies' are! My mom and I have studied a whole pile of books just to understand how do they have it all arranged in there: bees carrying water, babysitters, workers, drones, scouts, guards, etc. I liked very much to look for a queen among other bees to create a new colony." | Photo and text by Olga Vatlina, soloist of the A Sortie group.

© Yarmosh AG 2007