Bees Are Green
Some scientists argue that the key element to understanding the global environmental changes is not pollution or climate warming, but the destruction of natural ecosystems. We claim that bees are more important than being just honey producers and pollinators. As a unique link in the natural food chain, bees must be credited for their ability to create and support sustainable mini-ecosystems...

  • Bees Build Ecosystems
          ·   "A Strategic Alliance" short doc
          ·   "Eco Bees" documentary
  • Bees & Flora
          ·   Linden
  • Beeyard Fauna
          ·   Mammals
          ·   Birds
          ·   Insects
  • Picture-Perfect Hives
  • Managing bees
          ·   Bee Management Support Services
          ·   City Bees
                ·   backyard beekeeping
                ·   balcony as a beeyard
                ·   bees in apartment
                ·   hives at famous places
          ·   Bringing Bees to Your Place
                ·   colonies
                ·   nucs
                ·   packages
                ·   queen bees

  • Bees Inspire
    Many people keep bees, but the vast majority still regards this enterprise as a risky business open only to enthusiasts. This section breaks the image through growing collection of artistic creations, comments and information that not only illustrate the idea of keeping bees as pets for people of different ages and lifestyles, but actually provide information on how you can do it, and what's in it for you...

  • Meeting Place
          ·   Schools with Beehives
          ·   Teachers Who Keep Bees
          ·   Young Beekeepers
          ·   Eco-Beekeepers
          ·   Known people who keep bees
  • Bees Teach:
          ·   confront your fears
          ·   entrepreneurial skills
          ·   contacts
                ·   networking
                ·   personal
                ·   bridging generations gap
          ·   creativity:
                ·   works of art
                ·   gadgets
                ·   ideas
  • Bees Entertain
          ·   literature
          ·   movies
          ·   music
          ·   picture gallery
  • Opportunities
          ·   contests
          ·   exhibitions, festivals
          ·   grants
          ·   at our site

  • Bees' Gifts
    There are truly amazing natural alternatives to commercially produced foods, supplements and drugs. A whole line of healthy natural products can come right from your own beehive! Each with benefits really worth knowing about. Used since ancient times, trusted for ages, tested by science, they are safe and healthy for people - little natural miracles available for free to all who keep bees...

  • Bees Extend Humans' Life
  • Where is Your Food Coming From
  • Honey Products
          ·   Honey vs Sugar
          ·   Comb honey
          ·   Mead
  • Pollen and Beebread
  • Propolis - natural antibiotic
  • Beeswax
  • Royal Jelly
  • Healing Venom
  • Natural Home-Made Cosmetics