
· Bees Build Ecosystems ·

A Strategic Alliance is a short (12 min) documentary that explains how beeyards are capable of creating local ecosystems and restoring the sustainability of nature. The film explores the importance of honey bees' short natural reproduction cycle as an inexhaustible source of food that attracts birds and other wildlife to a beeyard.
¹ Movie file (different formats) or DVD are available by e-mail requests to: beemi @ mycybernet.net.

Eco Bees, a full-length (100 min) documentary, presents a big picture of the unique role honey bees play in maintaining the systainability of local ecosystems that take shape around beeyards. It provides food for thought, inspiration and a practical example to follow to anyone interested in helping the nature by restoring the population of honey bees on our planet.
¹ DVD is available by e-mail requests to: beemi @ mycybernet.net.

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