
· Bees Extend Humans' Life ·

Newborn... grandfather (Katchkarovka village, Ukraine)
The Lachnovsky family - 87 years old George and his 36 years old wife Valentina - just got bigger with the birth of their son. "My grownup grandchildren cannot believe, - says George, - that the newborn child is their... grandfather". The difference in age between older children of Mr. Lachnovsky and his fifth child is almost 70 years! For the secret of his strength George credits the products of beekeeping that he uses regularly - honey, mead (honey wine), and tea made with linden tree flowers. He was a beekeeper almost all his life... | Transl. from the Trud newspaper (2003/07/17) & Details (2007/05/28); on the photo - George Lachnovsky

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