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© Yarmosh AG 2007


· School of Bees ·

The School of Bees is the place where one can learn to appreciate bees and start thinking about offering them a place to live. There are many reasons not to be afraid of bees but rather become friends and invite them to your backyard, roof or balcony.

The three sections of this site offer a glimpse into what bees mean to Nature, Society, and every Person. The site not only promotes our idea of ecological beekeeping, but actually provides inspiration and information on HOW YOU CAN DO IT, and WHAT's IN IT FOR YOU.

We are bringing the message mostly through the growing collection of works of art in all imaginable formats, including video, pictures, music, literature, etc. We collect and comment stories and images, facts and fiction - about the many things that people can learn from bees.

New submissions are welcome. Add your little pieces to the colourful mozaic that creates the big picture of ecological beekeeping by sending in your own materials or something that impressed you - recently or even a long time ago. We want to share with our audience every fact, story, image, video that serves the purpose of this site, fits its structure and adds to the better understanding of its vision of bees as the nature's best friends. If your work or reference is not in English, please add English-language translation, subtitles or comments.

None of us were born ecologists or researchers. Not many of us have ecological education and degrees. But the new global ecological responsibility forces all of us to learn, share our bits of knowledge with others, and act. We can make our planet better, or at least prevent many more ugly changes to its face.

The strategic alliance with bees that we promote does not mean that we urge everyone to become a beekeeper. On the contrary, this site is made to show the ways how to keep bees without ever learning the art of beekeeping. No courses, no volunteer work at someone's beeyard, no beekeeping books to read, and no decades of acquiring the knowledge and experience by trial and error. From simplified solutions that make keeping bees easier than looking after a dog or a cat, to remote management of your beeyard by an expert beekeeper for professional results - this is the range of options you will find here.

Even if you are not inclined to offer bees any part of your time, just get a log hive with bees, and let them manage themselves. Such a beehive requires no more maintenance than a birdhouse, but allows bees to live and work, with all their positive effect on the environment. If you want results - consider using our automated Bee Management System that would regularly communicate with you through the Internet to check the status of each colony and prepare a work order with the list of actions that need to be done in each particular hive depending on the season and the current conditions of the colony.

Whatever your choice, do something for the bees - and you will like what they give you in return!


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